Friday, March 7, 2008

Americans Need to Know More About Technology

Americans Need to Know More About Technology

from The National Academy of Engineering

Most Americans know little about the world of technology, yet from day to day they must make critical decisions that are technologically based, such as whether to buy genetically engineered foods or transmit personal data over the Internet. Moreover, the use of technology as a learning tool in the classroom is often confused with the broader concept of being technologically literate -- knowing something of the nature and history of technology, as well as having a certain level of skill in using technologies and thinking critically about them.
Neither the educational system nor the policy-making apparatus in the United States has recognized the importance of this more comprehensive view of technological literacy, says a new report from the National Academies' National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council. It calls for a broad-based effort to increase the technological literacy of all Americans, a goal that will have many benefits including more informed decision-making by citizens and business and government leaders about the development and use of technology, and a more erudite population that will be better prepared for the demands of today's high-tech work environment.
Learning about technology should begin in kindergarten, and the connection between all subjects and technology should be emphasized throughout a student's education, the report says. Technology content should be infused into curricula, teaching materials, and student assessments. At the federal level, the National Science Foundation and U.S. Department of Education should provide incentives for publishers to include technology content in new science, history, social studies, and language arts textbooks. Likewise, technologically focused agencies such as NASA and the National Institutes of Health should support the development of curricula for teachers of all subjects and grades, especially to help make clear the connections between technology, science, and other school subjects.
All educators should be better prepared to teach about technology, the report says. Schools need to move beyond the perception of technology as a separate subject to be taught in "shop class." Science teachers in particular need a solid education in technology and engineering, and even history and social studies teachers should be required to know how technology relates to their subjects. Schools should ensure that teachers specializing in technology follow standards issued by the International Technology Education Association.
One exception to the general neglect of technology education is the area of computers and information technology. But too often the emphasis is on how information technology, most notably computers and the Internet, can improve the learning process, rather than on the need for students to learn about technology itself, the report says. Furthermore, many schools believe that because they offer computer classes, they are already teaching about technology -- an attitude that can impede the drive toward more general technological studies.
To spur improvements in the education system, the National Science Foundation, in partnership with industry, should fund an award that recognizes innovative, effective approaches for improving the technological literacy of students or the public. In addition, government and industry leaders should receive training on a regular basis about key technological issues through intensive courses, and engineering societies should institute fellowship programs to create a cadre of policy experts and journalists with a background in engineering.
Government decision-making would be enhanced if more opportunities were available for the public to become involved in discussions about technological issues, the report adds. Through creative exhibits and programs, museums and science and technology centers can help the out-of-school public be better prepared to participate in these discussions.
This study was sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Battelle Memorial Institute. The National Research Council and National Academy of Engineering are private, nonprofit institutions that provide science and technology advice under a congressional charter. The Research Council is the principal operating arm of the National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Engineering.
Read the full text of Technically Speaking: Why All Americans Need to Know More About Technology for free on the web. A companion website can be viewed at Printed copies of the report are available for purchase from the National Academy Press website or by calling (202) 334-3313 or 1-800-624-6242.

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